Play leads to exploration, exploration leads to discovery and discovery leads to learning.
This is the very essence of what Skola aims to do for children between the ages of 1 and 8. The Skola philosophy has derived many of its values from the inspiring work of Dr. Montessori and her approach towards learning for young children, which focuses on using one’s own impulses, emotions, natural curiosity and an innate desire to learn. It treats every child with utmost respect and as a worthy individual occupied with the task of developing and nurturing himself/herself through self-learning and discovery.
It is a well known fact that young children learn best when they engage multiple senses (sight, sound, touch, etc.) while interacting with the world around them. But it interesting to note that when all these senses are tuned towards a single objective, learning is significantly enhanced. Skola is a staunch believer of the multi-sensory approach. The team at Skola has observed and researched the fact that toys with a single objective engage children in greater depth and have a more significant learning impact than multi-purpose toys.
The core of Skola’s philosophy lies in the idea of concrete learning, where children manipulate objects using their hands, thereby building their knowledge with ‘muscle memory’. Cricket is played and practiced to be mastered till it becomes a part of oneself. But when it comes to math or science the process somehow still relies on books, worksheets and oral games, with a few incremental learning games like counting pencils, or drawing and learning, which children enjoy.
However, young children can benefit a lot more by integrating information through experiences, practice and self-correction, with the help of their muscle memory. Learning that comes through the fingers and hand muscles has exceptional retention as it activates the largest part of the brain. When the learning process rooted in this philosophy is routed through the right toys, it sets the child on an exciting journey through play.
This approach also sets the foundation for developing fine motor skills. As children develop their eye-hand coordination and motor skills by doing various physical activities repeatedly they’re ready to explore subsequent ‘lands’ of learning such as language, math, physics, history and understand abstract concepts of colour, shapes, motion and more. When children develop problem-solving and analytical skills at an early age through puzzles and logic play, they build their ability to concentrate and improve their memory retention. Children also become far more independent and confident through play, making them more mature, emotionally and socially.
Studies also show that children are more inclined towards natural materials than synthetic ones. That is why all Skola toys are made of wood, sourced from renewable sources, making them natural and environment-friendly. The toys also are compliant with international safety standards. Skola’s research over the years through their educational materials and curriculum for preschools has proven that the right toys can help children a long way when it comes to learning.
Skola toys have been created by a team which has extensive experience in the Early Education sector, making learning products that enhance children’s development. They have supplied high quality educational materials to more than 10,000 schools across the globe for over 25 years. They have also been successful in providing relevant insight in this field with the help of their extensive research and observations over the years.
Learning is an ongoing process marked by a series of various events. Each experience with Skola toys leads to a new discovery that leads to learning. Skola takes your child on different journeys of learning where they explore a new aspect of the world around them at every stage. Play is the work of childhood and it is the best form of expression for young minds. Skola is here to help your child through these learning journeys designed as play.